The Montessori dressing frames are an important part of the care of the self Practical Life Exercises in our classroom.

Each frame isolates one skill of dressing and offers the child the opportunity to perfect this skill by repeating the motion over and over, thus helping her to become independent in dressing him/her self.
Being able to dress and undress oneself is one of the major steps to a child’s sense of ndependence.
To help children learn how to dress and undress themselves, we provide dressing frames in our classroom on which all the different kinds of clothes fasteners can be found. It is very difficult for children to practise for example; buttoning their coat buttons when they are wearing a coat, but if you have a frame with the buttons on the table, your children can see the buttonholes.
Childrn are able to practise on the Montessori frames and when they learn to do them on the frame, it is not so difficult them to do their buttons on therr own. Children enjoy doing things on their own which gives them makes them proud.
The Purpose
- To develop finger control and dexterity
- Develops concentration.
- Self care
- Developing a sense of independence