Non-Toxic Household Cleaners for your home


Window and ceramic tile cleaner:  Mix 1/4 cup vinegar in a gallon of warm water. Apply solution with sponge or by spray bottle. 

Drain cleaner:  Pour 1/4 cup baking soda into drain followed by 1/2 cup vinegar. Close drain until it stops fizzing, then flush with 2 quarts boiling water.

Tub, sink and tile cleaner:  In a bowl mix 1/2 cup baking soda and 2-3 Tbsp. liquid soap. Use sponge or micro fiber cloth to apply and scrub surfaces. Rinse with water.

Floor cleaner:  Mix 1/2 cup vinegar with 1 gallon hot water. Add 1 Tbsp. liquid soap.

Oven cleaner:  Make a paste of baking soda and hot water. Sponge onto stains and wipe clean.

Refrigerator freshener:  An open box of baking soda in the refrigerator will help keep it smelling fresh.

Fabric stain cleaner:  In a small bowl dissolve 1/4 tsp. baking soda in 2 Tbsp. water. Soak the stained part of the clothing in the liquid. Rub the stain gently. Repeat if needed. Will remove blood, lipstick, make-up stains and more. Club soda works also and can be found in liquor stores. It’s a quick emergency cleaning treatment when traveling.

Shoe polish:  Use inside of banana peel to clean leather shoes, then buff – another great traveling tip.

Garbage disposal freshener:  Grind lemon peel and ice cubes in the disposal.

Furniture polish:  Use a soft cloth and wipe with a dab of mayonnaise. Or mix 2 parts olive oil with 1 part lemon juice. Apply with soft cloth and wipe dry.

Bug spray:  Blend several hot peppers (or 2 tsp. ground red pepper) with 4 oz. of water. Filter through cheesecloth or paper coffee filter and transfer to a spray bottle. Add 1 tsp. detergent.  Shake well. Spray around affected areas.

Air Freshener:  Mix small amount of clove, cinnamon and orange peel in a pan with water. Heat and simmer.  Crushed Rosemary or other herbs also spread a pleasant fragrance

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